A serious security breach occurred on Wednesday in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of India’s parliament. The incident happened just hours after leaders and lawmakers paid tribute to the victims of the 2001 terrorist attack on Parliament House who died in the line of duty. Two men jumped from the visitors’ gallery into the Lok Sabha chamber, shouting slogans and releasing yellow smoke from canisters. The incident caused chaos and raised concerns about the safety of the parliament.
While no Member of Parliament was injured, the incident caused panic among those present, and raised questions about what could have happened if the situation had been more serious. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was not in the Lok Sabha chamber at the time of the incident, which occurred during the Zero Hour proceedings around 1 pm. The House was immediately adjourned until 2 pm, and later, for the day.
In response to the security breach, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has ordered a probe into the incident. The investigation will look into the security arrangements in and around the parliament and the lapse that allowed the two men to enter the Lok Sabha chamber. The MHA has also promised to take necessary measures to enhance the security of the parliament and prevent such incidents from happening in the future.